How often have you received a Comfort Kit with unnecessary medications or felt your pharmacy options needed improvement? We understand this can be a huge pain point for hospices, and patients. To address this, we work with you to curate your perfect comfort kits, and maintain a network of committed pharmacies that prioritize your patients. Let’s explore more below!
BetterRX: Comfort kits are fully customizable, so patients get
the right meds—no more, no less—resulting in cost savings.
PBM: Comfort kits are often non-customizable, resulting in wasted medications and unnecessary costs. They also lead to diversion and may not meet facility requirements.
BetterRX: BetterRX partners with local pharmacies to make filling for hospice easy and rewarding. We reimburse pharmacies fairly and eliminate billing rejections, taking the hassle out of filling for hospice.
PBM: PBMs use mail-order for 90% of prescriptions while relying on local pharmacies for urgent fills and first dosings. Low reimbursement rates, low volume, and time constraints lead to local pharmacies refusing to fill for hospice. Additionally, pharmacies receive less reimbursement than what PBMs invoice.
Modernize your hospice with the BetterRX
Connected RX (CRX) Platform
Book a discovery call with us here.
About BetterRX