How BetterRX Streamlines Hospice Pharmacy for their Customers
Streamlining Hospice Pharmacy: How BetterRX Saved Nurses Valuable Time and Eliminated Unnecessary Medication Delays for a New Hospice Customer
How often have you received a Comfort Kit with unnecessary medications or felt your pharmacy options needed improvement? At BetterRX, we understand this can be a huge pain point for hospices, and patients. To address this, we work with you to curate your perfect comfort kits and maintain a network of committed pharmacies that prioritize your patients.
While BetterRX focuses on providing tailored solutions and seamless pharmacy experiences, traditional Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) often operate differently. To truly understand the value BetterRX brings, it's important to explore the differences in approach, transparency, and patient care. Let's break down these distinctions and redefine what pharmacy support can look like for hospices.
At BetterRX, we know that no two patients or hospices are the same. That’s why our comfort kits are fully customizable, ensuring patients receive exactly what they need—no more, no less. This level of customization helps reduce medication waste, control costs, and provide peace of mind that your comfort kits meet your facility's requirements.
In contrast, traditional PBMs often offer pre-packaged, non-customizable comfort kits, leading to significant medication waste and unnecessary expenses. This "one-size-fits-all" approach can result in diversion risks and fail to align with the specific needs of facilities or patients. It’s an outdated model that leaves hospices and patients paying the price.
Customizable comfort kits are just the beginning. To truly elevate the hospice experience, BetterRX works closely with local pharmacies to ensure timely, compassionate care that PBMs simply can't match.
At BetterRX, we partner with a carefully selected network of local pharmacies to make filling prescriptions for hospice patients seamless and rewarding. Our fair reimbursement model ensures that pharmacies are properly compensated for their time and efforts, building strong, lasting partnerships. By eliminating billing rejections and reducing administrative burdens, we make it easy for pharmacies to prioritize what matters most—your patients' care and comfort.
Traditional PBMs, on the other hand, prioritize mail-order for nearly 90% of prescriptions, relying on local pharmacies only for urgent fills or first dosings. This creates challenges for local pharmacies, which are often constrained by low reimbursement rates, minimal volume, and stringent timeframes. These factors make filling hospice prescriptions unappealing or even unfeasible for many local pharmacies. To compound the issue, PBMs frequently reimburse pharmacies less than what they invoice, further straining relationships and compromising quality of care.
When local pharmacies thrive, patients benefit. BetterRX ensures pharmacies are empowered to deliver the compassionate, timely care that hospice patients deserve. Schedule a demo today.
Efficient pharmacy support isn’t just about partnerships, it’s about delivering the right medications at the right time. That’s why BetterRX combines technology and transparency to streamline workflows and prevent delays.
BetterRX’s ePrescribing software is designed specifically for hospices, streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary delays. Nurses can send prescriptions directly to pharmacies in just seconds, reducing time spent on administrative tasks and ensuring patients receive medications quickly. The software’s real-time medication tracking feature provides complete visibility throughout the ordering process, allowing for proactive adjustments and minimizing patient suffering.
Traditional PBM systems often create frustrating bottlenecks due to incomplete, unapproved, or unsigned prescriptions, which can delay medication delivery. Nurses frequently need to make extra phone calls to obtain the necessary approvals and signatures, and this process can take hours or even days. Many non-hospice-specific ePrescribe platforms are not optimized for hospice care, leading to additional delays and requiring additional steps that detract from patient-centered care.
Efficient medication management isn’t just about technology—it’s about compassion.
Streamlined medication tracking paves the way for even greater efficiency. BetterRX’s customizable formularies ensure hospices can deliver flexible, patient-centered care without sacrificing cost control or timeliness.
BetterRX empowers hospices with the flexibility to customize formularies that meet the unique needs of their patients, while keeping costs low. Nurses can easily order off-formulary medications through our streamlined platform and receive quick approvals or alternative suggestions in real-time. This eliminates unnecessary delays, reduces administrative burdens, and ensures that patient care is never compromised. By prioritizing both efficiency and compassion, BetterRX helps hospices deliver the right medication at the right time.
PBMs often rely on rigid formularies that restrict nurses' choices, creating a conflict between cost control and quality care. Changes to formularies are typically limited and communicated manually, increasing the risk for errors or miscommunication. For nurses and pharmacies, ordering off-formulary medications becomes a complicated and time-consuming process, leading to significant delays in patient care and additional costs.
Formularies shouldn’t create barriers to care—they should enhance it. BetterRX’s customizable and efficient approach ensures hospices can provide timely, patient-centered care without compromise.
BetterRX doesn’t just offer solutions, we are transforming the hospice pharmacy experience. From customizable comfort kits to real-time tracking and flexible formularies, we empower hospices to deliver care that’s efficient, compassionate, and patient-focused. Ready to see the difference BetterRX can make? Book a discovery call with us today. Together, we’ll redefine what pharmacy care looks like.
Streamlining Hospice Pharmacy: How BetterRX Saved Nurses Valuable Time and Eliminated Unnecessary Medication Delays for a New Hospice Customer
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