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Transforming Hospice Care with Medication Ordering & EHR Integration

Transforming Hospice Care with Medication Ordering & EHR Integration

This case study explores a new hospice partner's challenges, plan, and results!

The Challenge
Ordering latencies, Homecare Homebase integration issues & cumbersome processes.

Have you ever felt your processes need to be shorter and there must be a better way? That’s how this hospice felt. Typically, admitting patients for them would take up to 20 minutes, and they also experienced latencies in their ordering processes. Additionally, they had issues with their integration between Homecare Homebase and Enclara. These issues inhibited their ability to provide patient care quickly and order medications effectively. Their nurses would have a full load of work to do (during and after hours), making calls to the pharmacy to ensure orders had been received and calling Enclara to check that somebody had documented everything correctly. Their nurses and staff were frustrated by these delays. Not only was it cumbersome for them, but it also hindered their ability to provide the best patient care.

The Solution
Fixing ordering processes and latencies & integrating with Homecare Homebase.

Our CX (customer experience) and sales team took some time to discover a few areas to help this hospice:

  1. We worked on addressing the overall ordering process. The BetterRX app eliminates phone calls, and nurses can order medications with just a few button clicks. No more miscommunications or low visibility into medication statuses.

  2. We fixed their medication ordering latencies. By placing orders through the BetterRX app, you can utilize automated text alerts to know where medications are and when they are ready across your entire team. They no longer need to log into a third-party ePrescribe.

  3. We ensured they could integrate with their current EHR Homecare Homebase, one of the many EHR partners with which we seamlessly integrate! This integration allows them to minimize all the other manual processes they had to do previously.

The Results
A successful transition to BetterRX.

The results from this hospices transition to BetterRX have shown to be very successful so far! Their administrative and nursing team is anticipating saving upwards of 20 hours a week because they no longer will have to do all the extra manual steps. They will have complete visibility into their medication ordering, and orders will be sent to the pharmacy faster. Nurses will now be able to focus more on patient care and comfort, which is what they hoped to do from the start.

Are you ready to get on the better side of medication ordering?

The BetterRX Connected RX Platform is different. Schedule a free discovery call with our team.

Have questions? Get in touch with one of our specialists today!

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About BetterRX

betterRX_logo_web_1BetterRX's mission is to radically change patient care by ending medication delays that cause needless suffering. BetterRX offers efficient ordering technology, medication tracking, real-time PPD & cost alerts, and committed local pharmacies. Learn more about BetterRX, our CRX PlatformBetter ePrescribe, and Pharmacy tools.

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